Xuxin Cheng
xucheng [at] ucsd.edu
I am a 2nd year PhD student at UC San Diego advised by Prof. Xiaolong Wang. I earned my M.S. in Robotics at CMU advised by Prof. Deepak Pathak.
I also worked with Prof. Koushil Sreenath at UC Berkeley. I am interested in building real-world robot systems.
I love snowboarding 🏂 and scuba diving 🤿 in my free time.
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* denotes equal contribution
Mobile-TeleVision: Predictive Motion Priors for Humanoid Whole-Body Control
Chenhao Lu*, Xuxin Cheng*, Jialong Li*, Shiqi Yang, Mazeyu Ji, Chengjing Yuan, Ge Yang, Sha Yi, Xiaolong Wang
Webpage | arXiv | Code | Video
| BibTeX
Helpful DoggyBot: Open-World Object Fetching using Legged Robots and Vision-Language Models
Qi Wu, Zipeng Fu, Xuxin Cheng, Xiaolong Wang, Chelsea Finn
Webpage | arXiv | Video
| BibTeX
Open-TeleVision: Teleoperation with Immersive Active Visual Feedback
Xuxin Cheng*, Jialong Li*, Shiqi Yang, Ge Yang, Xiaolong Wang
CoRL 2024
Webpage | arXiv | Code | Video | Media
| BibTeX
ACE: A Cross-platform Visual-Exoskeletons for Low-Cost Dexterous Teleoperation
Shiqi Yang, Minghuan Liu, Yuzhe Qin, Runyu Ding, Jialong Li, Xuxin Cheng, Ruihan Yang, Sha Yi, Xiaolong Wang
CoRL 2024
Webpage | arXiv | Code | Video
| BibTeX
Visual Whole-Body Control for Legged Loco-Manipulation
Minghuan Liu*, Zixuan Chen*, Xuxin Cheng, Yandong Ji, Ruihan Yang, Xiaolong Wang
CoRL 2024 (Oral)
Webpage | arXiv | Code | Video
| BibTeX
Expressive Whole-Body Control for Humanoid Robots
Xuxin Cheng*, Yandong Ji*, Junming Chen, Ruihan Yang, Ge Yang, Xiaolong Wang
RSS 2024
Webpage | arXiv | Code | Video
| BibTeX
Extreme Parkour with Legged Robots
Xuxin Cheng*, Kexin Shi*, Ananye Agarwal, Deepak Pathak
ICRA 2024 CoRL 2023 Generalist / Roboletics / Deployable Workshop (Oral)
Webpage | arXiv | Code | Video | Media
| BibTeX
Legs as Manipulator: Pushing Quadrupedal Agility Beyond Locomotion
Xuxin Cheng, Ashish Kumar, Deepak Pathak
ICRA 2023
Webpage | arXiv | Video | Media
| BibTeX
Deep Whole-Body Control: Learning a Unified Policy for Manipulation and Locomotion
Zipeng Fu*, Xuxin Cheng*, Deepak Pathak
CoRL 2022 (Oral, Best System Paper Finalist)
Webpage | arXiv | Video | Media
| BibTeX
Reinforcement Learning for Robust Parameterized Locomotion Control of Bipedal Robots
Zhongyu Li, Xuxin Cheng, Xue Bin Peng, Pieter Abbeel, Sergey Levine, Glen Berseth, Koushil Sreenath
ICRA 2021
Webpage | arXiv| IEEE | Video
| BibTeX
Media: MIT Tech Review | TechXplore | DeepTech | Inceptive Mind | Freethink | Unite.AI | Singularity Hub 
Automated Lane Change Strategy using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Fei Ye*, Xuxin Cheng*, Pin Wang, Ching-Yao Chan
Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) 2020
arXiv | IEEE
| BibTeX
Course Projects
Learning Precise Foot Placement Skills with HZD-based Gait Library for Legged Robots
CS285 Deep Reinforcement Learning
Computer Vison and Computational Photography
CS194 Image Manipulation, Computer Vision and Computational Photography (Spring 2020)
[Project page] 
In this project collection, I implemented several state-of-the-art algorithms to manipulate photos and videos.
Campus Life Planner and Navigator
Introduction to Software Engineering (Fall 2018)
CLPN-BIT is a Wechat Mini-Program including features of schedule planning and campus navigation inside Beijing Institute of Technology. CLPN stands for "Campus Life Planner and Navigator".